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Terms of Service The Staff… 1) Doesn’t get paid, this is their hobby, but they will do their best to bring the best game possible. 2) Will listen to the players to try to mold the game into what they want, while still driving it to the vision of a Personal Horror 5, Drama 4, Intrigue 5, Mystery 4, Action 3, Fluffy Bunnies 0 game. 3) That they will drive each chapter of the plot to be good. Nobody wakes up and says “I want to tell a bad story today.” The Players will 1) Bring good drama to the game 2) Leave the out of game drama to TNT….they know drama 3) Work with the storyteller staff by giving them feedback. When you are unhappy let them know, they will try to change things, however, the game is driving to Personal Horror, Drama Intrigue and Mystery. Rules OOC Behavior: This should be simple, everyone should just follow the Golden Rule: Do onto others as you would have them do unto you However, nobody EVER follows this rule. So, I wrote the platinum rule “Do onto others as they would have you do onto them.” Simply put, when interacting with someone ask yourself this question “Is this how I should be treating this person?” If the answer is no, STOP DOING IT. To break it down further. 1) Don’t harass people 2) Don’t lie to the staff Progressive Discipline: OOC Behavior 1) Someone on staff is going to pull you to the side in a PM on chat or in an unofficial email, and they are going to say "Hey you did this, please don't do it again." 2) Someone on staff is going to send you a formal email and say "You did this AGAIN, we've told you not to do it. You won't do it again." 3) On a third offense, the site Admin will ban the player for a period of 3 days and send an email explaining the ban. 4) On a fourth offensive, the site admin will ban the player for a period of 14 days an end an email explaining the ban. 5) On a fifth offensive the player will be removed from the site. Rules: Character Sheets The Second biggest problem in LARPS is character sheets, this is due to people not understanding how XP works. If you need help, please ask for help. The XP spending chart is explained in the creation guides. If you need assistance please ask. We can hold classes on spending XP. Progressive Discipline: Character Sheets 1) Someone on staff is going to pull you to the side in a PM on chat or in an unofficial email, and they are going to say "Hey you did this, please don't do it again." A staff member is also going to look over your character sheet and force you to spend all the XP you currently have on your sheet and send you into XP debt until you can cover what you have purchased incorrectly. Note, if you are over 25 XP incorrectly those items will be removed. 2) Someone on staff is going to send you a formal email and say "You did this AGAIN, we've told you not to do it. You won't do it again." A staff member will also review your sheet and removed everything from your sheet. 3) The Site Admin is going to review your sheet. On a third offense everything that is overspent is going to be removed from your sheet. If you are at 10XP or less overspent you will be docked the amount of xp you are overspent. If you are over 10XP overspent, the character will be retired. 4) On fourth offense, all the characters on the site will be retired, regardless if they are overspent or note. 5) On a fifth offense, the player will be removed from the site.